How to Upgrade Magento 2.3 to 2.4

As we all know Magento 2.4. Has Been Officially Released by adobe commerce. Today, In this short tutorial I will describe how you can perform a Magento 2-3 to 2-4 Upgrade Service in easy steps. so let’s check all the steps carefully and keep your store updated.

How to Upgrade Magento 2.3 to 2.4

Prepare the Site for Upgrade

Ensure that the server supports PHP 7.4. As the most recent Magento release only supports PHP 7.4, You can check the following command will display the current version of PHP.

php -v 

Next, the composer is working with the right PHP version. Use the following command to verify your composer’s PHP version

composer -vvv about

The Magento 2.4 release notes recommend using Elasticsearch 7.9.x.Use the following command to verify your version of Elasticsearch.

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200'


curl -XGET 'http://YOURDOMAIN:9200'

Make a backup of your database, plugins, and code before upgrading to the Magento version.

Steps to Upgrade Magento 2.3 to 2.4

Step 1:If you are working on a live site, use the following command to put it in maintenance mode.

php bin/magento maintenance:enable

Step 2: If you are upgrading Magento 2.4.2 on your local system, you can skip the first step and instead use the command below to grab backup composer.json.

cp composer.json composer.json.bak

Step 3: Now we will Install the Composer update plugin

composer require magento/composer-root-update-plugin=~1.0 --no-update
composer update

Step 4: After this, you will require to update the composer.json with the latest version of the composer.

We have Magento Version 2.4.2 in this scene, so navigate to the Magento 2 installation root path and execute the code below.

composer require magento/product-community-edition=2.4.2 --no-update

Step 5: Fire the following command

composer update

This procedure will take some time to complete. This command will primarily download all necessary packages and upgrade your Magento version from 2.3.x to 2.4.2.

After you've completed the preceding steps, execute the commands listed below.

Step 6: Clear cache and regenerate code.

php bin/magento cache:clean
rm -rf var/cache/*
rm -rf var/page_cache/*
rm -rf generated/code/*
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

Step 7: At last don’t forget to disable maintenance mode

php bin/magento maintenance:disable

That’s it you are upgraded to Magento 2.4.2

There may be some issues that you encounter while performing the Magento upgrade. Hire Certified Magento Developers to resolve these issues.

So, if you're still running a previous version of Magento 2.4 version of Magento, it's time to upgrade your store to take advantage of the latest improvements and enhancements included with Magento 2.4.4. Begin by contacting a Certified Magento Development Agency for the best Magento 2 Upgrade Service.